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Application for Renewal of a Licence for the Operation of a Dairy Plant
The Milk Act (R.S.O. 1990, c.M12), and Regulations 761


Please note, this form is only to be completed if you have not made any changes to the classes or subclasses of cow's milk processed at the plant; the species of animal that produces the milk processed at the plant; or the type of plant operated in the last 12 months. If any of these changes have been made, please contact us at before proceeding.

Applicant Information

Plant Information

(Format must be 6 digits)

Plant Address

(Format must be A#A #A#)

Applicant's Information

(Format must be 10 digits)

Applicant's Business Address

Is applicant's business address same as plant address?(required)
(Format must be A#A #A#)

Primary Contact

After the application is submitted OMAFRA will continue any necessary communication with the Primary Contact only.

(Format must be 10 digits)

Emergency Contact (off hours)

Is emergency contact same as primary contact?(required)
(Format must be 10 digits)
Application Detail
Milk products are processed using milk or milk ingredients from the following species of animal regulated under the Milk Act: (required)
(Check all that apply)
Other species whose milk is processed at the plant:
(Check all that apply)
The source of milk processed at the plant: (required)
(Check all that apply)
Please indicate the volume of milk processed at this plant on an annual basis (Total Volumes):(required)
Type(s) of plant operating and kind(s) of processing activities: (check all that apply)(required)
Please list all products that are manufactured at this plant, indicating the species of milk, the classes and subclasses of cow milk, if applicable and any specialty product(s) (e.g., organic, grass fed, DHA, Ultra Kosher). Refer to Regulations 761 and 753. See Table in section 11, Regulation 753 under the Milk Act.(required)
List Product 1


Please note: If you are planning to alter the construction or layout of your plant or to install any new equipment or to change any processes that will, or could affect the risk of any product made at the plant being contaminated, you are required to submit an "Application for a Permit to Alter or Construct a Building Intended for Use as a Dairy Plant" form to the Director and receive approval for a permit prior to making alterations. This form can be found here.

I hereby make application for a licence for the operation of a plant under the Milk Act and the regulations, verify I have the authority necessary to complete the form, and declare the information on this form and attachments to be true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand the Government of Ontario may verify any information provided herein to ensure it is correct and accurate. I further understand the Government of Ontario may use any information provided herein for other purposes, such as auditing, verifying other information I have provided to the Government of Ontario and the collection of any debts I may owe to the Government of Ontario.

If you have any further questions, please contact the Inspection Programs Unit at As part of providing accessible service, you can also contact the Agricultural Information Contact Centre (AICC) at 1-877-424-1300 or by e-mail at if you require this information in alternate formats.


Note: To make changes to the information below, please click the “Back” button (at the bottom of this page) to access previous pages or “Edit Section” to make corrections.


Thank you for your Submission.

Form Submission: